Migrated Other

8 Incredible Equestrian Instagram accounts

3 horse heads above a barn gate door
Written by Andrea Parker

I’ve said it before, I’ll happily see it again, I LOVE instagram. Through Instagram I found a group of likeminded horse obsessed people at a time when I was not physically surrounded by many of them. 

Today I thought I would share some of my favourite accounts with you all. Now I could have shared accounts like @joyful_dressage and @theblondeandthebay and @styledequestrain, but chances are you already know about them.

These accounts are all extremely different, but they are bound by the authenticity and passion that they bring to this community. So here are 8 equestrians that you need to be following. 


Quite simply put Leah is a badass. An equine nutritionist by day, Leah has built her platform on advocating for body acceptance and generally taking the pressure off ourselves. She shines a light on the unhealthy standards that are all too often perpetuated in our sport and busts them! She is also a fellow poodle parent to her gorgeous little ball of fluff!

You can follow Leah on Instagram @bigbootybreeches an you can find her equine nutrition business at @thefeedroomnutrition


Fellow dietitian, Natalie Gavi has carved out a niche for herself by helping equestrians to better nourish themselves and fuel their goals. She breaks down nutrition myths and champions the message that there is no one type of body that riders need to have to be successful. She also shares her journey with her beautiful mare Stella.

You can follow her on Instagram @the.equestrian.dietitian, if you want to learn more about working with Natalie head over to https://www.gavinutrition.com/equestrians


American based equestrian blogger Sara busted onto the blogging scene not too long ago. She speaks candidly about her challenges and successes in the saddle, most recently on the adorable lesson pony Dash. And she does this with an incredible sense of style and a smile on her face.

Follow Sara on Instagram @saddlesnsass


Caitlin is quite literally a shining ray of light in the equestrian Instagram community. On both her Instagram account and blog Caitlin shares her adventures with her lease horse Herman and her dog Diesel. Her enthusiasm for life, all things dogs and horses is infectious.

You can follow Caitlin on Instagram at @sparklesandsunshineblog


Stunning Irish scenery – Check. A wicked sense of humour – Check. Inspirational [without being cheesy] quotes – Check. Originally hailing from Alaska, Catherine now lives in Ireland. Along with her gorgeous mare Giselle, or Miss G as she is affectionately known, Catherine shares her equestrian adventures from the show ring to gallops along the beach. She also openly talks about the challenges of balancing a thriving career with pursuing her equestrian goals.

You can follow Catherine on Instagram @wildatlanticrider


Natalie is someone I have been following since my early days of blogging. Based in Ireland Natalie owns two horses Paddy and Flash. Despite having follow Natalie for quite some time, it was only recently that I realised that Natalie and Catherine are good friends who live nearby! It was upon watching an IgTV “Chats with Nat” that epitomises so many of the things that aI love about Natalie’s account. Fun, humour and genuine authenticity, rather than the kind that people sometimes put on for engagement on social media.

Much like Catherine, Natalie also has a brilliant sense of humour and ability to point out the funny side of the things we do. Case and point this tweet….


Whether you are a Twitter users on and Instagram fanatic you will likely have seen one of Cassidy’s sage pieces of advice that have been getting shared like wildfire. Cassidy pairs these words of wisdom with visually stunning photos, which is probably not too surprising given that she is an equine photographer! More recently she has pivoted into a career in rider fitness.

You can follow Cassidy on Instagram @cassidybrookebock


A new addition to my follow list is the beautiful Anu who embodies so many of the qualities that I admire in others. Anu pairs beautiful writing with stunning photos and a breathtaking vulnerability. Anu is a dressage rider and talks openly about her journey with her horses, Achates an OTTB and Basilio a 2yo Andalusian. Most importantly Anu is an advocate for making the equestrian world more inclusive.

You can follow Anu on Instagram @chetakhorses

If you want to discover more instagram accounts, check out my list of 5 humorous instagram accounts.

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About the author


Hey, I'm Andrea Parker, an adult amateur dressage enthusiast on a remarkable journey with my 13-year-old mare, Mon Ami. Delving into the equestrian world, I recount the highs and the hurdles on my blog, The Sand Arena Ballerina. I'm also passionately working on crafting an equestrian podcast titled Equestrian Pulse.