Migrated Other

5 Equestrian Instagram accounts that will make you laugh

girl laughing with horses behind her
Written by Andrea Parker

Social media for the most part is a wonderful place to hang out. At times such as these (in the midst of fear about COVID-19) sometimes you really just need to laugh. And these five accounts that share equestrian memes are guaranteed to do just that.  


Yep that bucket of chili is gonna drop come show day when horses are involved and your an adult army

First cab off the ranks is @Dressagequeen_of_memes, who lovingly takes the Mickey out of all the bling on the dressage diva’s jacket. But most importantly @dressagequeen_of_memes brings that laughs.

It really is a toss up because none of these options is great


Unlike the other accounts mentioned here Ride with Rhythm did not start out with the intent of sharing memes. In fact RWR started out selling rhythm beads, neck ropes and the stunning Tree of Life statues. But along the way owner Courtney started to create the most hilarious and relatable memes.

I honestly can't imagine a job where this wouldn't be a key requirement

Courtney is the process of transitioning to developing tutorials on how to create the rhythm beads and tree of Life statues. And I have it on good authority that she has some other pretty awesome things in the works. Make sure you sign up to be notified when her tutorials go live.


Raquel Lynn of horses and heels is probably best known for her effortlessly chic style (cowboy boots and all) and riding her gorgeous paint Fira through the streets of downtown LA.

But are you sick enough that you can't ride your horse?

But if you’ve been following her for any length of time you’ll probably have seen her brilliant memes with their signature pink hue. When interviewed for the podcast (@equestrianpulse) Raquel revealed that she actually received quite a bit of grief for the first meme she released, which was about not trusting people in cheap cowboy boots! But we love all her memes!!

From the wonderful Horses and heels who is always casually shopping for a new pair of cowboy boots!


I think my love for this account is pretty much summed up by this one meme, so I’ll let it do the talking…



I don’t know anything about how @skintdressagedaddy started, but having grown up in a family with a non-horsey father and an extremely horsey mother, I think I can imagine. His informal blog posts on Facebook are also worth a read.


Stay tuned for my 20 equestrian Instagram accounts to follow in 2020.

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About the author


Hey, I'm Andrea Parker, an adult amateur dressage enthusiast on a remarkable journey with my 13-year-old mare, Mon Ami. Delving into the equestrian world, I recount the highs and the hurdles on my blog, The Sand Arena Ballerina. I'm also passionately working on crafting an equestrian podcast titled Equestrian Pulse.