daily strides podcast

Horse Podcast: Daily Strides

About the Podcast

Daily Strides, as the title would indicate, is an incredibly relatable and accessible podcast that gives simple tips that riders can apply to their riding day-by-day, stride-by-stride. Hosted by Lorna Leeson, Daily Strides takes big topics and breaks them down into simple steps that are easy to implement right away.

Lorna knows that it’s easy for riders to get stuck in a rut, both mentally and physically, and Daily Strides’ format of bite-sized, actionable tips helps riders get unstuck without getting overwhelmed. Lorna wants to help riders make every ride great.

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horse rookie's guide to show jumping

Key Players

  • Lorna Leeson: A riding instructor, trainer and equestrian coach for over 20 years, Lorna has a passion for working with riders who truly want to learn how their horse understands them. She uses Daily Strides to provide fresh inspiration to keep riders, and their horses, moving forward as a team.

10 Reasons to Subscribe

  1. Engaging host: Lorna is from County Kildare in Ireland and started riding in the Irish countryside as a small child. She was a show jumper and eventer before becoming an equestrian coach.
  2. Quick, actionable steps: Riders are given actionable steps for each topic in a short 10-15 minute podcast. If you are tight on time, but still want to learn how to improve your riding and relationship with your horse, this is the podcast for you.
  3. Read more on interesting topics: Each podcast has more information included on the Strides for Success website. If a particular episode really intrigues you and you’re looking for a deeper dive, check out the website.
  4. Learn the art of conversation: Riders are always communicating with their horses. This communication (or conversation) happens on the ground and in the saddle. By helping riders develop a conversation with their horse, Lorna teaches horses and riders to enjoy their rides.
  5. Perfect for all riding levels and ages: The basic principles and actionable steps in this podcast apply to all levels of riding, and even to riders of all ages. Lorna focuses on developing and fine-tuning the rider’s communication with the horse through riding fundamentals.
  6. Professional: The production and sound quality are great so you won’t be distracted by poor audio levels or background noise.
  7. Learn and apply: By breaking down large topics, Lorna makes it easy for riders to apply simple techniques in the saddle. Starting with basic, but sometimes challenging concepts like balance, purpose, and position, riders can learn and apply these techniques.
  8. Motivational: Listening to the Daily Strides podcast is the perfect way to motivate yourself. It is designed to be the easiest way for riders to keep moving forward with their riding in a way that feels good for both rider and horse.
  9. Reliable: This podcast is released consistently so you know when new episodes will be available to stream.
  10. Approachable topics: Lorna makes it easy for listeners. You don’t need to feel intimidated or that the subject is too difficult for “Rookies” to understand.

Horse Rookie’s Top 5 Playlist

Not sure where to start? Here are 5 episodes that help give you a sense of the content and decide if this podcast is right for you.

  1. Rhythm: Learning to Identify and Develop it in Canter
  2. 6 Questions for When You’ve Stopped Improving as a Rider
  3. 3 Things You Must Work on to Become a Better Rider
  4. Your Aids to Ride the Half Halt
  5. A Plan for 7 Days in your Riding

Sample Episode

daily strides episode

How to Listen

If you’re interested in watching this channel, click below to see it on iTunes.

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