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Concussion in Equestrian Sports

Written by Andrea Parker

I am a huge believer in wearing a helmet each and every time I get in the saddle. I believe that this is due in part to sustaining two serious concussion during my days of show jumping, and a less serious one whilst out trail riding. Helmets are designed to decrease “the acceleration of the head upon impact, thereby decreasing both the brain-skull collision” (1). While helmets do not prevent concussion, they can help to prevent more serious injuries.


What is concussion?

Concussion is essentially a temporary form of traumatic brain injury (TBI) where there is a temporary change in neurological function. The risk of severe TBI is decreased by a whopping 50% with the use of an equestrian helmet. Alarmingly though only 25% of equestrians regularly wear a helmet. With the wide variety of comfortable, breathable and stylish helmets now on the market, there is really no excuse for not strapping on a helmet. Read about my favourite helmet here.

Helmets are built specifically for different sports based upon the injury patterns which are prevalent in that sport. This is why it is particularly important that you wear a helmet which meets the recognised standards for your sport.

Concussions can occur any time there is a rapid change in direction or acceleration. This means that your head does not actually need to sustain an impact in order for concussion to occur.

To understand the mechanics of concussion it is important to have a basic appreciation of anatomy. The brain is essentially floating in the skull cushioned by cerebrospinal fluid. During a collision (ie a fall) the brain “moves at a different rate than the skull… this discrepancy can result in a collision between the brain and skull” (1).

What are the symptoms of concussion?

  • headache
  • dizziness
  • blurred vision
  • confusion
  • fogginess
  • nausea
  • loss of consciousness
  • fatigue

I clearly (pardon the pun) remember my first concussion. We’d been at jumping training session at the pony club on a my new horse Gilbert. I wasn’t quite used to his tendency to swerve away from the jump in the last few strides. Apparently I forced myself to get back on and be lead to the float. Like a CD stuck on repeat, I would ask my mum ‘What happened’, she would explain that I’d had a fall, I’d then become teary and ask if Gilbert was ok. Shortly after she had reassured me that he was fine, I’d once again ask what happened. I also can recall the difficulty I had staying awake during my classes.

How often are horse riders experiencing concussions?

There does not appear to be a consensus about the rate of concussions in equestrian sport. But one thing is clear, the frequency is likely to be under reported. A study conducted in 2014 found that almost half of the riders surveyed at an event had experience a concussion during their time riding. Of these riders almost 75% did not seek medical clearance to determine readiness to return to riding (2). Similarly a 2016 surveyed 1833 riders and found that 71% had symptoms of concussion following a fall and that of these 44% were then diagnosed with concussion (3).

An examination of Emergency Department presentations in America found that between 1987 and 1988 a total of 92763 ED presentations were related to horse riding injuries. Of these 18.5% were related to concussions (4).

Interestingly once an athlete has experienced a concussion, they are 4-6 times more likely to experience a second one at some point in the future. This is significant as the effects of concussion can be cumulative. This was well publicised in the 2015 Will Smith movie Concussion which followed the story of neuropathologist Dr. Bennet Omalu who first discovered the damaging effects of the repeated head trauma and associated concussions experienced by American Football players.


Returning to Riding:

In America, any competitor who sustains a concussion or looses consciousness at a USEF event, cannot return to competition until cleared to do so by a medical professional. Equestrian Australia has recently brought in similar rules for eventing. Unfortunately the decision to adopt rules is voluntary in other disciplines.

Dr Reena Ellis (from https://journeyofanamateureventer.wordpress.com/) is an Anasthetics Trainee who in addition to being a competitive event rider also works at equestrian events a large part of which involves assessing people is diagnosing concussion and determining whether competitors are able to continuing riding at that event.

“Concussion is a serious business and one which has previously often been disregarded in horse riding. Awareness within event organisers and medical staff is now on the up, and if you are riding at an affiliated event there are now normally clear rules about when you can ride again after a concussion. You might think you’ve just bumped your head and but don’t dismiss even a mild concussion, if not treated properly if can have long term effects on your cognitive functioning. Take the advice of medical staff in any situation where you think a concussion might be a possibility, and reduce your risk as much as possible by never getting on a horse without a helmet. Your brain is fragile, protect it and protect yourself.” Dr Reena Ellis.

Be sure to check out this great video produced by the USEF with Neurosurgeon and equestrian Dr Lola Chambless https://www.usef.org/learning-center/videos/concussions-signs-symptoms-helmet-safety


  1. Helmets and Mouth Guards: The Role of Personal Equipment in Preventing Sport-Related Concussions
  2. Concussion History and Knowledge Base in Competitive Equestrian Athletes

  3. Prevalence of Concussion Symptoms in Equestrian Athletes, Is it underreported?

  4. Common injuries in horseback riding. A review.
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About the author


Hey, I'm Andrea Parker, an adult amateur dressage enthusiast on a remarkable journey with my 13-year-old mare, Mon Ami. Delving into the equestrian world, I recount the highs and the hurdles on my blog, The Sand Arena Ballerina. I'm also passionately working on crafting an equestrian podcast titled Equestrian Pulse.


  • Great article!!! I always ride with a helmet, always have and always will. Not only for my own safety but to set an example for others. Also not wearing a helmet and injuries and death increase insurance premiums for our sport. I am a huge believer that nobody is a good enough rider to not wear a helmet. I have had four concussions. I always seek medical treatment and the last two I had a CT scan to be sure! Your brain your head and your life is worth it. A helmet is a hundred dollars approximately for the cheapest. Money well spent! Mel x

  • Great read! I can proudly say that i always ride with my helmet on! I am actually a little shocked that only 25% use helmets regularly, I thought it would be way more!

    • I’m kind of shocked that it is that low as well. But it would very much depend on the question they asked. It would likely have been much higher if they asked how many people wear a helmet most of the time.

  • As a TBI survivor, I agree whole heartedly. My TBI is from multiple concussive falls (most from a horse). Yes I was wearing a helmet every time. Once I shattered my spine. Another time I mangled my left arm so bad I have nerve damage. Another time I cracked my cheek bone. Then there were a dozen or more minor incidents where I just bounced up and shook it off. But they’ve all added up to seizures and neurological damage. People ask why I’m so insistent on wearing a helmet because it “clearly didn’t save me.” Yeah, it did. I’m still walking and breathing. So preach it! Wearing a helmet isn’t about preventing injury, it’s about minimizing it.
    I better not try and show USEF though. No doctor in their right mind would ever clear me to ride.

    • Alexi, that is crazy, and you are so right. I think people underestimate how much worse something could have been without preventative/protective measures.
      The cumulative effects of concussions is something that worries me a bit to be honest and one of the reasons I don’t really jump anymore.

  • I think that concussions and other brain injuries should be talked about more often. I had a mild/moderate TBI from a car accident and it took years to fully recover. The more you know upfront, the better you can move through recovery

    • Oh wow Lindsey, that is huge. Absolutely knowing the road ahead is really important for those embarking on recovery.
      I also think that it is incredibly important that we talk more about issues such as TBI and concussion, how they happen and what the risk factors are. Too many riders make the decision to not wear a helmet without fully understanding what they are risking.