Does anyone else ever feel like there is something therapeutic about the process of cleaning tack? Making sure you have got every last piece of hair and spec of dirt out of every nook and cranny gets you out of your head. Rubbing the leather conditioner in and watching it absorb into the leather has almost a meditative quality. And then of course there is the feeling of satisfaction when you see your saddlery clean and nourished. Now Sterling Essentials leather care products have taken that therapeutic feeling to the next level.
These exquisitely crafted products are infused with essential oils designed to leave your leather looking and feeling a million bucks. They also smell fantastic and will leave both your saddlery and hands free of any greasy residue.

How I discovered Sterling Essentials
I first came across the Sterling Essentials range on the Heels Down Happy Hour podcast. It sounded amazing but it was made in America, a bit of a pain (Fortunately you can now purchase and have your order shipped directly to Australia through the website).
It was seeing a video of the restoration of an old and somewhat neglected western saddle that convinced me to bite the bullet and order a bottle of the leather cleaner and a tub of the conditioner and see how it went. Some bad advice I received early on in my saddle’s life has left parts of it dry and rubbed. But after the first use of Sterling Essentials I was hooked. The products have helped to clean my saddle and restore much needed moisture and suppleness.
The packaging
It’s evident through the packaging that even the smallest of details have been thought about. The leather cleaner comes in a bottle with a squirt lid which can be swapped out for the sprayer. While the tub of leather conditioner is also a cylindrical shape meaning that you’ll be able to get every last bit of product out.
The product is also generously sized with 453ml of leather cleaner and 236ml of leather conditioner. After using mine on a pretty regular basis I’m still on my original containers after almost one year.
What’s inside?
Sterling Essentials has been carefully designed and formulated to not just clean your leather, but also to extend its life using all-natural ingredients. Highlights of this product includes:
- Free of irritating chemicals
- Optimal pH for cleansing and nourishing your leather goods
- Glycerine free – despite popular belief glycerine is not good for your leather is a because it attracts water and acts as a sealant
- The products come in three different scents so that there will be something for everyone, lavender, floral citrus and eucalyptus. But don’t worry – the formulation is the same in each scent, because when you get it right you don’t need to create different types of products.
At $16.95 USD (old costs) for the leather cleaner and $19.95 USD for the leather cleaner these products are excellent value for money.
So, do yourself a favour, pour a glass of bubbles and give your saddlery that is deserves with Sterling Essentials.
You can find out more and order your leather care from