Normally I share my monthly recommendations via the blog sign up list, however this month I thought I would do things a little differently.

Great Reads
From Heather at the Timid Rider is 6 apps to help you stay sane during self isolation/physical distancing.
This article on Noelle Floyd is a remidner that this lock down is stressful for EVERYONE including your barn owner who may have had to make the decision to shut down their facility for the foreseeable future.
Louise Dando of @induehorse shared the realisations she has had since going into total lockdown and being separated from her mare May in France.
And last but not least are these wonderful recommendations for caring for your horse during the pandemic from the Savvy Horsewoman. Stay tuned also for my guest post on teh Savvy Horsewoman all about tips for improving your riding without being in the saddle.
My friend Louise has a Facebook book club which you find out more about here. This is a great way to connect with other like-minded Equestrians during this period of iso.
As you probably know by now I am a co-host on the Equestrian Pulse podcast. We have put together a bunch of COVID themed podcasts.
COVID-19 and how it is affecting our lives (Part 1)
COVID-19 Best practices with Dr. Sarah (Part 2)
How to think positively during lockdown with Nicky from Be Your Best
To ride or not to ride, is that a question?
Now that we are done with that shameless bit of self promotion, I want to recommend a podcast by Rhea Freeman, who is a PR specialising in supporting those in the country and equestrian space. She recently released an episode of her Small and Supercharged podcast dedicated to how we can help support small businesses during this pandemic.
Non-equestrian recommendations
Now if you are wanting something not about horses, well I’ve got you covered for that too!
You can find my fave podcasts over at the Blonde Blog.
On the TV show front, my partner and I recently devoured Dirty John on Netflix. Based on a true story the show features a star studded cast and a plot line with more twists than you could expect. We also enjoyed Locke and Key.
Occasionally I like to read a book that’s not about horses, and I am currently ripping through Air Kisses by Zoë Foster Blake.