Virtual Gatherings
The Equestrian Blogging Community is a remarkable entity. No longer do readers just turn to online magazine articles for guidance with their horses and riding. Because of social media and Pinterest, a significant portion of the equestrian world online is turning to blogs from individuals who have a passion for writing, and recording, about their experience with horses.
The social structure that has formed around this is a highly-connected network of horse enthusiasts from around the world. Our show circuits and riding barns are now just a slice of our equestrian community. Thanks to this phenomenon, there is an ever-present need for a variety of voices in the Equestrian Blogging world.
In many ways, bloggers need each other to continue to grow. Creating a healthy online community of horse enthusiasts of diverse backgrounds is key to continued learning, networking, and inspiration.
Source: Pixabay
I decided to answer five questions about the Rise of the Equestrian Blogger:
1. What are current trends in Equestrian Blogging?
In the recent past, it seemed that one could only find prominent online magazines and personal blogs, specifically about the journeys of equestrians and their horses. Now, it seems the equestrian blogging community has widened to include a variety of horse blogs, including:
- Equestrian Lifestyle
- Training
- Holistic Equine Wellness
- Equestrian Health and Fitness
- Horses in Acting Roles
- Equine Care
Each niche within the blogging community overflow and overlap in our social channels, including Instagram and Twitter. Pinterest’s search engine, too, is daily adding more equestrian-themed pins.
As we meet each other in this virtual world, I see an expanding group of bloggers making an effort towards solidarity. We are trying to support one another and help each other grow, learn, and connect.
Furthermore, I think there is an overwhelming desire to make this a community where everyone is welcome.
2. Why is building the Equestrian Blogging Community important?
The amazing thing about the equestrian blogging community is that no matter where we come from in the world, we are not only united by our passion for riding horses through various disciplines, but also by our desire to make the equestrian community at large a better place.
Most of us know too well how competitive, even toxic, the equestrian world can be without kindness and encouragement. It seems that a growing number of the people I meet online are taking strides to intentionally connect with other equestrians and uplift each other, not tear each other down. This could have drastic implications for our barns, show circuits, 4-H clubs, and so on.
By encouraging, inspiring and educating fellow horse enthusiasts online, we can make the offline equestrian world more welcoming.
Given this community that fosters learning, we have an opportunity to share a wealth of knowledge about best practices for our horses. Thanks to the speed of the internet, we can exchange ideas and insights much quicker than any generation that came before us.
What does this mean in practice? That we can, through learning from one another, make the equestrian world better for our horses as well, be it through care, conditioning, riding, or training.
3. How I got into horses in the first place.
Like a lot of girls, I became enamored with horses when I was really young. As soon as I could wield a pencil, I was drawing horses on every paper I could get a hold of. Both of my parents grew up riding horses, so they took me to my first lesson when I was five years old. I was hooked instantly. I started lessons at a competition barn at age seven and began competing in crossrail and equitation classes a couple years later.
Source: Pixabay
I was moving up hunter-jumper classes by age thirteen, when I started riding with a new trainer. Up until that point, I had learned a more forceful way of riding horses. But this new trainer taught me how to listen to the horses: how to train and ride them with kindness and consideration.
Everything she taught me seemed strange at first, because she was so opposite of the show circuit back then. I had to re-learn just about everything in order to interact with the horses in a productive and healthy way, but I quickly found that this new way of riding made me a better rider and produced more relaxed and giving horses.
It’s only thanks to her that I’m able now to continue learning, growing, and training on my own.
4. Who inspires me to be a part of this community?
There are so many people who inspire me to blog, including the Equestrian Bloggers who have been around for a while, pioneering the online equestrian world.
My two favorites are Kathy Farrokhzad of Horse Listening and Anna Blake. Kathy breaks down really complicated
I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention my mom, who took me to my horseback riding lessons for all of my youth, and who continues to encourage me to learn and grown in this world that I am so passionate about.
5. What do readers gain by reading equestrian blogs?
The two things I hope people take away from Horse Rookie blogs are:
- More knowledge. But more than that, also understanding and confidence when approaching their horse, especially if they’ve gotten stuck.
- Inspiration. People need to know that they have an online community to support them, that their stories are valuable, and that they really can be successful and joyful in their experience with horses.
Chief Rookie Aside: Visit our Equestrian Media Guide to see our favorite vlogs and podcasts too!
Build Bridges and Trails into the Future
If people leave equestrian blogs with a tangible sense of hope, then we have done what we have set out to do. When I first got involved with blogging, I was so intimidated by all of the other bloggers who seemed to have everything together. After actually meeting some of the people I admire through social media channels, I have come to realize that they are genuine people who are creating a welcoming online space for equestrians.
I hope this encourages others who are considering participating in the blog world. We will always need new voices, fresh perspectives, and ripe inspiration to continue to grow and improve the Equestrian world. So, when are you starting your blog?
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you start a horse blog?
First, choose a platform that will house your blog. WordPress is very popular. You also might host your horsey stories and tidbits on a site like Facebook, instead of a traditional blog. Then, start writing!
It’s important to be authentic when writing a horse blog. Every horseperson’s journey is different, so share what makes your journey unique! Talk about what you’ve learned or experienced.
What is the best horse blog for beginners?
Horse Rookie, of course!
We also love The Plaid Horse, Savvy Horsewoman, and all of the content creators featured in our Equestrian Media Guide.
Why are horse blogs good?
Because anything horsey is good! Personally, we really like reading horse blogs that promote horseback riding and horse ownership in a fun and positive way. We like reading about the adventures you’ve had with your horse or the silly anecdotes that show off your horse’s personality.
Oh, and we definitely love seeing photos!
How can you learn more about horses?
We LOVE YouTube. Professional trainers publish amazing how-to videos all the time. Go check out as many horse-related books from the library as you possibly can.
Horse magazines are full of great tips and information, and they’re really fun to look forward to each month.
If possible and affordable, take lessons and ask a lot of questions! You also might consider joining a horse-related Facebook group. But, like many web info-sources, sometimes there can be a lot of misinformation or Negative Nellies there, so tread carefully.
Can I teach myself to ride a horse?
It’s possible, but it’s not really the safest or the most fun way to learn. You’ll make way more progress with a competent trainer.
With horses, it’s important to develop confidence quickly. When you teach yourself, you might have trouble keeping doubt out of your mind (“Am I doing this right? Why did my horse do that? What am I supposed to do now?”). This can make riding less fun and more worrisome. But with a trainer, you have someone to help and reassure you right away.
P.S. Enjoy this article? Trot on over to:
- How to Ride a Horse for Beginners (Basics, Safety, Mistakes)
- 20 Different Types of Western Riding (With Video Examples)
- Monetize Pony Pastimes: How to Start an Equestrian Blog
- A Rookie Guide to Becoming an Equine Influencer
- Say Yes to the Horse: 11 Best Breeds for First Time Owners
- Keep Calm & Ride On: Meet 3 of the Calmest Horse Breeds
- Horse Riding for Older Adults: Why It’s Never Too Late
[…] well-known equestrian lifestyle blogger and freelance writer, Jennifer has worked in the fashion sector for many years and has translated […]