Contact Us

The Horse Rookie team is made up of a diverse group of writers passionate about equestrian life. We know what it’s like to be afflicted with the “horse bug!” For many of us, the condition started in childhood… and never went away.

Some of us own horses, others lease or take lessons. We work with a variety of equines, from Quarter Horses to off-the-track Thoroughbreds, mini horses, and even donkeys. You can find us camping in Colorado, soaring over fences in Florida, endurance riding in South Africa, or chasing down a cow in Montana. 

From a backyard barn to the dressage arena, our team combines personal experience with thorough research to bring you top-quality, rookie-friendly content. Our goal is to answer your most pressing equine questions and help solve common problems. We get it because we’ve been there!

We love engaging with our readers. Have a question? Want to read about a topic we haven’t yet covered? Looking for more articles about a specific discipline? Please don’t hesitate to reach out! We mean it–we are here to help.

You can send us an email at outreach {at}, or find us on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest.

Interested in partnering with us? Please check out our Media Kit.

We love guest writers! If you’re interested in writing a guest post for our blog, be sure to review our guest posting instructionsbefore reaching out. 

Wishing you happy trails!