Author - Mackenzie Ash

Hailing from the vibrant city of Raleigh, North Carolina, my academic journey has been a fusion of scientific exploration and a deep-rooted passion for horses. Currently, I’m delving into the realms of biology with a keen interest in equine studies at Long Island University, embracing the world of science while nurturing my love for these majestic creatures.

My academic pursuits are a reflection of my insatiable curiosity. The world of biology fascinates me, prompting me to unravel the intricate mysteries of life and nature. In tandem with this, my minor in equine studies allows me to merge my academic journey with my passion for horses, exploring their behavior, biology, and well-being.

As my undergraduate studies pave the way, my aspirations are set on further academic horizons. The pursuit of higher education beckons, particularly in the field of animal behavior. The complexities of animal behavior captivate me, propelling me toward the goal of attending graduate school to dive deeper into this field, seeking to understand the nuances of how animals think, feel, and interact with their environments.

The dream of graduate school is not merely a stepping stone but a gateway to a deeper understanding of the animal kingdom, a pathway to contribute meaningfully to the field of animal behavior. As I navigate through my undergraduate studies, the aim remains steadfast—immersing myself in the world of biology and equine studies while preparing for the fulfilling journey that graduate school in animal behavior promises.

My life’s tapestry is woven with the threads of scientific inquiry, equestrian passion, and the unending quest to comprehend and appreciate the marvels of the animal world. Whether in the laboratory or with horses, my goal is to bring scientific insight and understanding to the fascinating world of animal behavior.