Most equestrian websites, Horse Rookie included, typically rely on royalty-free stock imagery sites for photography. Unfortunately, such libraries overwhelmingly feature white riders. (((Sigh.)))
We want to better represent and celebrate diversity in the equestrian community, so we’re taking action.
As part of our diversity initiative, Braided: A Herd Dynamic, we’re building our own Equestrians of Color Photo Library.
We’re asking riders of color across the U.S. and around the world to submit up to 20 of your favorite personal photos to help expand our collection.
What Kinds of Pictures:
We love real photos of real life!
You don’t have to have a professional photographer following you around — you simply need a genuine smile and a decent phone camera. In fact, you’ve probably already posted a ton of great photos on your Facebook and Instagram feeds.
- Riding (all disciplines, lessons, trail rides, etc.)
- Around the barn (groundwork, grooming, tacking up, feeding, etc.)
- Events (shows, clinics, rodeos, etc.)
- Travel (vacations, hauling, etc.)
- Portraits and selfies
Please choose high-resolution images with good lighting.

Provided by Sarah Harris
What You Should Know:
- All riders of color are welcome.
- Complete the form below to let us know you’re interested and help us learn more about you.
- We’ll follow up shortly with instructions about how to submit up to 20 of your favorite personal riding/barn/horse photos. (Note: We do not guarantee your photos will be used on the site or social media.)
- You must personally own the photos you contribute and/or have all rights to use them.
- You give Horse Rookie permission to use your imagery across our website, emails, and social media channels.
- Any time we use one of your photos, we’ll give you credit and link to your site or social media (if desired).
- For each person who contributes 20 images to our collection, Horse Rookie will donate $20 to your minority founded/run/serving nonprofit of choice to help bring equestrian opportunities to underprivileged and marginalized communities.
[…] Arena Ballerina hosts consistently high-quality photos. I appreciate that she uses her own photos over against stock photography. It enhances the personal aspect of her blog while remaining […]